Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Your Personal Personal Preferences, Attitudes, Heritage and Beliefs Might Impact on Working Practice Essay

I work in the care industry and have clients and honour other people’s religion or non religion that I look after that have had a totally different upbringing that myself. Some of these clients have dementia, I was raised in a different country with different beliefs. I had a traumatic upbringing but I cannot ever let my clients know about what my beliefs and life experiences are about. I through my experience with working in this environment have learnt that I have had to research other religions and beliefs and have learnt to respect all people and their beliefs. Prayers are a daily thing for me even though this was not taught to me in my earlier years. Religion affects people in many different ways mainly because we all come from different backgrounds and were all taught differently. It is therefore very important to respect and honour their personal beliefs. Some want to go to church on Sundays and others do not want to speak about church at all and I must respect the fact that they do not want to speak about anything about the Church. It is part of the work that I do to make sure my clients are happy and therefore am conscious at all times that they feel comfortable about anything they want to talk to me about. It is most important to remember that my own preferences are different to others and that I can never expect others to think, act and feel the same as I do. For example, I like to bath at night and shower in the morning but some of my clients fear water and they really hate the idea of being showered, washed or bathes even once a week. I have to respect their decision but at the same time I need to encourage them to maintain a healthy and clean state of mind and body. I in cases like this will spend more time encouraging the client that they will feel better and not try and tell them how I feel when I am clean and fresh. I must always remember having grown up in a different country that my culture is totally different from the Country that I have now adopted myself, even to the degree of holidays. In this country most people have enjoyed 2 or more holidays a year through their younger years, mainly due to the weather, I therefore try and encourage people to remember the happy times of their lives and holidays I have found form a large part of early life memories, unlike myself having only had one holiday in my life with my parents and from memory not a happy holiday but I am always mindful to keep the focus on my clients and not ever on my personal circumstances. I luckily have in my life always believed that we never mix our home lives with our business or professional lives and am very blessed today to be able to keep the 2 totally apart as I am also blessed to be in a job where you need to build amazing relationships with the amazing people I am working with and therefore when I work I have trained myself that nothing is about me it is all and only about the client so I have learnt to work totally centring on the person, their culture, their beliefs and heritage and this takes away responsibility from myself that I could or might be tempted to get people or encourage people to try and believe in my beliefs.

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